Optometric examination

An optometric examination consists of the following:

  • Complete medical and ocular case history.

  • Visual acuity with current prescription or unaided visual acuities if no spectacles are available.

  • Preliminary tests that include evaluations of eye muscle movements, peripheral or side vision, and the way pupils respond to light.

  • Subjective refraction and objective retinoscopy to measure best corrected visual acuity and determine best spectacle correction for distance and near vision.

  • Slit lamp examination to assess dry eyes, red eyes, corneal opacities, and cataracts.

  • Dilated fundus examination with binocular indirect ophthalmoscope to assess the optic nerve, macula, and peripheral retina.

  • Measurement of intraocular pressure to screen for and manage glaucoma.

  • Supplemental testing as needed, which includes keratometry, pachymetry, fundus photography, and threshold visual field testing.

  • Discussion of findings and recommendations with patient and staff.

Upon completion of examination, if glasses are indicated to improve a patient’s vision, patients are fitted for frames on-site. All glasses will be labeled and delivered to the patient’s facility, unless otherwise specified. Delivery time may vary, depending on the patient’s insurance policy.